Hello, and welcome to my website, Seasorbet -- a little space in the
corner of the internet. My name is Layla, the webmaster around here!
Seasorbet is my safespace, away from twitter, tiktok or any other social medias..
My code is kinda spaghetti, so, if you see anything not working, please please PLEASE let me know! My site is slowly updated- so don't expect much. (sorry!) In other words, Seasorbet is FOREVER a WIP. Everything on my To-Do list is priorotized, so check that out if interested.
If you cannot tell, I am a nerd. Boo. My website is a reflection of ALL, and I mean ALL my interests. Proceed with caution.
Best viewed on 75% zoom on a laptop. This site should display OK on other devices, but it's not optimized for it =(
Have fun exploring this little mess! Spread love, not hate!
- Layla